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The 4th Wall Splat Podcast is back, this time to talk about Competitive Rumbleverse play with the self described stats warlock himself: InvestigationCone.

InvestigationCone was the reason that The Big Grapple ran so smoothly, with live points updates and stat tracking as the matches went on. So who better to talk about the stats and key findings behind competitive Rumbleverse? If the game comes back, you can study his charts to get an immediate edge on the competition by knowing what the best moves, perks and pod setups are to win vs the best players in the game... Assuming the game isn't significantly different at least.

It was a fun chat to have despite the game being closed down now, and I would love to have more guests to talk about the game again soon. If you're an expert on any obscure Rumbleverse facts, let me know!


If you're looking for one single video to remind yourself of all of the most fun moments of Rumbleverse, you've found it! Combos, bounces, skyscrapers, mysterious tracking weapons... Atomic Punchline. This has it all mixed to a cool song.

Take a look and if you enjoy it, drop Setnaro X a like/comment on his channel!


Feel like relaxing a bit? How about listening to a lofi remix of the Rumbleverse theme to study to? Well, it exists, and you can listen to it if you have Spotify (the free account should work). This was put together by The Remix Station, and you can check out their other songs at the link below as well.

Thanks to Keeman for the find:

Now... If there was something we could do about the icon they chose for the track... that'd be great.


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Rumbleverse and the Rumbleverse logo are trademarks of Iron Galaxy Studios, LLC.

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